
Below you will find the various materials published by Sentinelles, such as the newspaper, annual reports, brochures and books.


The Sentinelles newspaper is made up of reports, stories, testimonies and photographs from the programmes. It is published every two months and has a circulation of approximately 30,000 copies.


October 2024 | Août 20234 | Juin 2024 | April 2024 | February 2024 | December 2023 | October 2023 | Août 2023 | Juin 2023 | Avril 2023 | Février 2023 |  Décembre 2022 | Octobre 2022 | Août 2022 | Juin 2022 | Avril 2022 |  Février 2022 |  Décembre 2021Octobre 2021 | Août 2021 | Juin 2021 | Avril 2021 |


Translations of the newspaper are carried out by invaluable Sentinelles volunteers and by volunteers from PerMondo: translations for non-profit organisations, an initiative that provides free translation services for NGOs. PerMondo’s translators and proofreaders who contributed to the newspaper are: Floriane François / Alex Gardiner / Simone Gruhl / Anja Jetter / Thomas McGuinn / Ana-Maria Wilson.



The annual reports present the previous year’s operations and financial statement.

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |  2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010


Auditors’ report.

2023 | 20222021 |


General brochures: Dépliant général 4 pages | Brochure Sentinelles | Testament et Legs |

Country brochures: Colombie | Congo | Madagascar | Sénégal




Fifteen years after his death, three of Edmond Kaiser’s close colleagues published a collection of his writings: testimonies, diatribes, notes, chronicles, etc.

Edmond Kaiser died in India on 4 March 2000, leaving behind him the vivid memory of a passionate fighter against injustice. As the founder of Terre des Hommes and Sentinelles, he was committed to the cause of oppressed and exploited children who were victims of famine and sex tourism. La Grâce du monde (Earthly Grace) collects together a number of unpublished texts from Edmond Kaiser’s archives. This collection is a homage to a man who was both tough and tender, and who knew how to bring out the best in everyone.
