With your donations, Sentinelles is able to help children and adults in need, provide them with robust and constant support, protect them against abuse, illness and violence and offer them a future.
Your donations are tax-exempt; every year we will send you a certificate for your contribution on request.
In light of the recognition of public utility granted to the foundation by the canton of Vaud, donations from taxpayers domiciled in all other Swiss cantons are tax-deductible in accordance with the Federal Law on the Harmonisation of Direct Taxation of Cantons and Municipalities (LHID).
Make a donation onlineDonation via PostFinance:
IBAN CH16 0900 0000 1000 4497 9
Online donation
Donating online is flexible and easy. You can demonstrate your support for those most in need anywhere and at any time.
SubscribeThe Sentinelles newspaper is published every two months with a print run of some 30,000 copies, and is made up of reports, stories, testimonies and photographs from the various programmes. It informs the public about our work as it is implemented and monitored. You can subscribe yourself and sign up your friends and family (CHF 20.00 per year), or distribute it in your neighbourhood. A significant proportion of the donations we receive come from the newspaper.
Contact us -
Contact us
Would you like to volunteer and offer your skills and experience to a worthy cause? Please drop an email to or to contact us by phone: 021 646 19 46
Because you want to involve your company and are convinced that it should demonstrate support, and because you want your colleagues, partners and customers to know about it, we would be delighted to discuss our activities with you and to suggest different ways in which your company could support our activities.
Contact usSentinelles is supported by private and public bodies, such as cantons and municipalities or funding agencies, companies and foundations, as well as by large private donors.
We welcome all sponsorship. We guarantee complete confidentiality to any donor who wishes to remain anonymous. We are also happy to answer any questions or requests regarding your support (country and programme in particular, or even individual cases).
Support Sentinelles by ordering these beautiful postcards, which are a testimony to the work of the Foundation.
This set of 10 postcards (210 x 148 mm) is available for CHF 15,00 for one set or CHF 20.00 for two (plus postage)
You are invited to continue your commitment after your passing, providing hope and a brighter future to the most disadvantaged.